HAPPinas Happy Hour is a Philippine sketch comedy and variety show created by Wilma V. Galvante and produced by TV5 Entertainment Division and Content Cows Company. The show will premiere on TV5 on May 6, 2016. The show's comedy sketches, which parody contemporary culture and politics, are performed by a large and varying cast of repertory and newer cast members.
Video HAPPinas Happy Hour
Happy Truck ng Bayan
The show was originally a noontime variety show produced by TV5 and was started airing since June 14, 2015. HTNB is airing every Sunday, 11:00am to 1:00pm on TV5, and it is the biggest project of TV5 on that year and hosted by Janno Gibbs, Derek Ramsay, Tuesday Vargas, Kim Idol and former Kapamilya and Kapuso stars. The show ended last February 7, 2016.
Happy Truck HAPPinas
In 2015, VIVA Communications, Inc. made an agreement with TV5 that they will be the official production outfit to handle all the Entertainment requirements of TV5. On February 7, 2016, HTNB marks their final episode. It will be replaced by a similarly formatted program, Happy Truck HAPPinas, that set to premiere live on March 6, 2016 with same hosts and same timeslot. It formally ended last May 1, 2016.
Maps HAPPinas Happy Hour
- Eula Caballero (2016)
- Tuesday Vargas (2016)
- Maria Ozawa (2016)
- Mark Neumann (2016)
- Margo Midwinter (2016)
- Abby Poblador (2016)
Former hosts
- Gelli de Belen (now on ABS-CBN)
- Yassi Pressman (now on ABS-CBN)
- Ogie Alcasid (now on ABS-CBN)
- Daiana Menezes (now on GMA Network)
- Ella Cruz (now on GMA Network)
- Kim Idol (now on GMA Network)
- Janno Gibbs (returned on GMA Network)
- Empoy (2016) (now on ABS-CBN)
- Alwyn Uytingco (2016) (quits showbiz)
See also
- List of programs broadcast by TV5
- Happy Truck ng Bayan
- Happy Truck HAPPinas
External links
- TV5 website
Source of the article : Wikipedia